Ride the Wave
Riding the wave is another way of dealing with craving. Riding the wave involves allowing the craving to occur, peak, and pass. Instead of fighting or giving in to the thoughts or drive to use, just sit with it. This means paying attention to the experience of craving. Identify specifically where in your body you are experiencing it. What does it feel like, how strong is it, and how does it move or change? Many times, this process can cause the craving to come and go, although having a mindfulness practice in place ahead of time will be very helpful in using this strategy.
Contaminate the Fantasy
One of the things that can lead to or strengthen a craving is "euphoric recall," which occurs when you selectively remember only the pleasurable aspects of chemsex. You may start fantasizing about cocaine and sex workers, the feeling of drugs and the rush of taking your first hit, or the sensations of having sex while high on chems. Pour some cold water on this hot fantasy by remembering the negative and distressing aspects of using and afterwards. Having an index card or a note on your phone listing all the negative consequences of your chemsex behavior can be helpful in this regard.